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Test your Mahjong skills and register NOW for the IGC Scramble.  Mahj in the City, has created a Ladder of the Bambird Scramble exclusively for members of Intown Golf Club! 


What is the IGC Scramble? 

The IGC Scramble is a Ladder-style Mahjong competition for individual players to participate in 4-person 90 minute Mahjong Matches, over 8 weeks. *this ladder is exclusive and limited to only other members of IGC. 

Keep score, Enjoy Flexiblity of your OWN schedule, and UP your Mahj Game! 

The final week culminates in a tournament match of top players. The winner will receive an IGC gift certificate & goodies from MITC. 


IGC's Scramble kicks off September 23 and lasts until November 18th

Mahj Matches are played at the Club, on your own time.


What's a  Mahj Match?

One Mahj Match consists of 2-5 games. Games are played with other Intown Scramble members when individuals propose and accept matches through Mahj In the City's Bambird Scramble & are confirmed based on individuals schedules


$70 to participate

**Participants must be members of Intown Golf Club, in CLT, NC.

Registrants who are not members will not be approved for  IGC's Bambird Scramble.

IGC Scramble Ladder

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